Sunday, 30 December 2012

The Ending

So here we are as the final deadline for the Masters draws closer I felt I should write up a conclusive post of my developments. 

The main element of my final presentation and hand in will be my working Unity game which I have decided to title Enigmus. During my research into the many elements which hint at the narrative of a game, I realized the title itself can suggest a lot about the narrative of a game, to avoid this I have chosen a purposely cryptic title for my game which prevents a suggestion of narrative. The game itself is the development of the game I designed in the first semester which at the time I titled 'Bloat', though it underwent many name changes. The game seems aesthetically very simplistic, however much like the title I believed the visuals could not be evocative in order for the game to work as I planned. 

The game will presented with a minimal amount of display boards to explain the concept and a blank lined paper book. The intention of this is that visitors who try the game will be able to note down a possible narrative they imagined for the game. This way I can document the varying levels of how players develop an intrinsic narrative when playing a game, without the extrinsic narrative affecting there imagination.

Secondly for my show I will provide the completed Level Design document I have been working on, based around my time at Travellers Tales. I have modelled the levels in Sketch Up for display purposes then used Photoshop for the step-by-step of how the level would progress.

The final aspect of my show will address my work with my Powered by Bandits. Though the work on our first game idea is still very much in the basic phases I will explain within a document how the game and team was put together and how it has developed so far.

Overall the masters has helped me develop my knowledge of game design theory and also my practical skills within a game editor. My studies of game-play and narrative have included looking into aspects of psychology, basic elements of philosophy as well as general narrative theory. The combination of my masters and my work experience at Travellers Tales has also helped me feel as though I am better prepared for industry work, as opposed to how I felt after my BA.

With that I believe (at least for the time) I have covered all the elements currently in flux during the final portion of my masters studies
