'Nightfall'- My plans for 'Night-fall' are to create a larger concept document in greater detail and with images to show the mechanics etc of the game. I suppose this would technically be a general games design document however due to the relative simplicity of the game it shouldn't have anywhere near the length of regular games design documents. Also I want to avoid the pitfalls I fell for in the third year of my BA by producing too much written work and over-stretching myself.
'Critical Mass'- My eventual plan for 'Critical Mass' is to make a working demo of the game itself through the use of Unity. The final milestone would be to allow it to work on mobile devices, however the priority is for it to be playable first and mobile second. This will involve greatly furthering my Unity engine and scripting knowledge which will be difficult without Barry to provide assistance however I shall overcome that.
Narrative Importance- Narrative Importance is the umbrella title I have given for the project which is currently regarding Character Design, however I plan to develop this concept further in second semester. The exact route I will pursue is still in the air and I will not to discuss it with Josh for something concrete though I have a few ideas. As with 'Night-fall' I must avoid past mistakes which will be easier to fall into given the lofty targets I could set myself in regards to narrative. I'd like to somehow mix this project in with my research into how people represent themselves in game narratives as it's an area I find particularly interesting. I may even through this one into the class as a forum to see where I could go with it as discussion often brings out my best idea I find.
I will also be working on the designs for my 'top secret' Sony game plans which I will be creating proof of concept documents for to hand-in for their 3D project.