Friday, 28 October 2011

Level 7: Return of the Natts!

Okay so I realise as well as anyone I haven't updated in a little longer then I'd prefer but what can I say I've been busy with work/doctors/other annoyances etc, but am back now y'all.

Okay so last time on 'Steve Takes Control' i was still working on the evolution of my games without narrative development. The central issue of that aspect of my work was exactly how bereft of narrative the ideas had to be. When I started developing my ideas it struck me that environments,characters and even titles suggest narratives so I endeavored to work through the extra scrutiny. After a back and forth with JT (Josh Taylor for the unenlightened few) discussing my ideas and developing what worked I believe the 4 ideas are now in place, albeit with working titles.

Legions: The finalised version of my 'risk vs reward' top down shooter where the player must shoot objects increasing their strength and size (thus an easier target), however their high-score will not be 'banked' until they self destruct.

Countdown: Originally I planned this as a trivia based tower defense game however now it features integrated spacial task instead to broaden it accessibility, which also allows the mini-game elements to fit some-what into whats going on.

Power-Cut: This is the now finalized version of my puzzle platformer where the player must conserve their power while trying to reach the goal point of each level, with bold movements like double jumps expending more power.

Night-fall: I suppose this would be called a survival game, the player controls their character while they move environment objects around a 2d plane before night-fall. When night comes so does a mysterious creature the player must hide within their makeshift forts and hope there days preparations keep them from being noticed by the creatures.

So there we have it that is that side of the spectrum covered now onto developing something on the flip-side. Our initial idea was for me to write an interactive story (therefore narrative with little interaction). However I instead will be pursuing the concept of narrative which is almost clear by the characters, environment and setting. Though the idea remains aloof at the moment I think I will look into games aimed at younger audiences, as these games must be instantly appealing and fun in order to keep the attention span of the young whipper snappers!.

Peace Out!

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