Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Level 10: What Remains.....

So after my toils of restoring the internet its rolling around to that time in the semester where we need to start reaching some sort of climax with our work, and so each project enters 'hyper mode' as I like to put it. Indeed with a looming deadline (9th Dec) and the display of my work so far (16th Dec) on the horizon its time for those ethereal sparks of creativity to be transformed into gold laden concrete. With this in mind I thought I'd summarize my various projects as they are currently:

Character Briefs (Suggested Narrative) - This project is currently in the hands of my artist friend James Smith, as I have emailed him the written character briefs for his artistic creation. In the end I decided it would be most interesting to provide James with a brief summary of what the characters are, and what they are like in regards to their personality and the narrative. What I plan on looking into is how James's creations differ aesthetically to the image of each character I imagined. This will provide intriguing  insight into how much narrative can be suggested through the appearance of characters.

'Nightfall' Designs (Game Without Narrative) - This project is my ongoing design for 'Nightfall' my idea based around the player avoiding enigmatic creatures when night falls, by arranging environment objects during the day in such a way the creatures won't catch the them.These designs are still very much in the brainstorm phase as I seem to have hit a brick wall where new and interesting environmental objects are concerned. I intend to have some pages to display my current ideas come end of semester, even if i'm still not finished with their conception.

'Bloat' Unity Development (Games Without Narrative) - Of all my project this is the one i am currently struggling with the most, this is however to be expected as I further develop my limited knowledge of the Unity engine and scripting. On a positive note I am developing my knowledge and skills its just not to a level at which my game is remotely playable yet, each time I open Unity I am developing though so its just a slow process I guess. That being said I would imagine by the time I display my development this will still be a work in process which I can deal with. In case the new working title fools you this is the game which has the player shooting creatures which then expand the player, at which point they must decide when to self destruct in order to get a high score.

Proof of Concept (Sony Dual Vision Project) - Turns I shouldn't be revealing :S

Contextual and Literature Review (Interdisciplinary Studies) - These 2 essays are due on the 9th of Dec but i am happy with my progress so far. My Literature review needs some skimming and some extra referencing but otherwise its sorted, whereas my contextual is currently standing at 619 words with the remainder roughly planned in my head though it will also requiring checking before submission as well.

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