Thursday, 8 December 2011

Level 11: Semester 1 Conclusion - Deadline Boss Battle!

As the dramatic title suggests I am now racing towards the conclusion of my first Masters semester. The contextual and literature review are now completed and referenced ready for print along with my reflective diary all ready for deadline tomorrow. Then next friday we have the hand-in of the rest of our work from throughout the semester. I'd be lying of I said I wasn't anxious about it, though not for the reasons you may think. I have been working hard throughout the semester creating concepts,designs and mechanics however I tend to do a lot of my development mentally and rarely take notes as I already have the design problems I'm currently facing in my head. I do jot down various buzzwords throughout my notepad but without context these are essentially just written words with no meaning. Even the Unity knowledge I have been working hard to develop has yielded little more then a moving cube at this point. With this in mind I'm hoping the development process I have been outlining throughout this blog and what presentational creations I can develop from what I have been working on. I do however have the character brief images to display which will something on the visually appealing side.

Anyway hopefully Josh will know full well how much work I've put in and not kick me to the curb, fingers crossed PEACE OUT!

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